Kings Lynn Conservancy Board as the Competent Harbour Authority for the river Great Ouse and the South-eastern part of the Wash, in pursuance of section 7 of the Pilotage Act 1987 and section 2 of the Marine navigation Act 2013 has issued directions for pilotage.
The Kings Lynn Conservancy Board Pilotage Area means the approaches south of an East / West line through 52° 56.00N and north of the Freebridge at 52° 44.3’N 00° 23.2’E. View Pilotage Directions here.
All vessels over 35 metres in length are subject to compulsory pilotage.
Vessels over 100 metres should be notified to the Harbour master prior to being fixed.
Vessels up to 119 metres or with maximum draughts of 6.0 metres* (*Departing Riverside Quay) have been handled at King’s Lynn on suitable tides. Maximum beam for the enclosed docks is 13.8 metres with a maximum draft of 5.5 Metres. Larger beam vessels can berth on Riverside Quay. (NAABSA).
Maximum length for ballast vessels to Layby at South Quay 6 is 85 Metres.
Arrival/ Sailing on any tide is subject to the vessel being ready in all respects to proceed at the indicated time before high water, with the required allowance over draft for the predicted tide, no significant defects to the vessel and suitable weather and visibility conditions.
Diagram showing relationship between allowance and Under keel clearance.
1. Inward Pilot Requirements
ISPS Code Requirements
We require the Pilotage Order Form completed and emailed to: for pilot services 24 hours before the vessels arrival.
Pilot Boarding area is close East of No1 Lightbuoy 52°56’N 000°21.5’E, Daseley’s Sled 2 hours before high water. Call “King’s Lynn Harbour Radio or King’s Lynn Pilots” on VHF channel 14
Information required: See PILOT ORDER FORM
Cancellation of pilot must be confirmed to the Harbour Office or Duty Ports Ops no later than 4 Hours before the intended tide of arrival, failure to do which will result in a cancellation charge of 50% of full inward pilotage, plus 50% of boarding fee.
2. Shifts In Port Or Outward Pilotage
Vessel must be ready to proceed in all respects at 1 hour 30 minutes to high water. Pilots will board about this time. Maximum draft vessels for the tide should leave the Riverside quay or be clear of the Docks no later than 30 minutes to high water. If the vessel is delayed for whatever reason then the vessel will abort the transit and sail the following tide subject to the vessel having the required allowance.
a) Pilot requirements with the Maximum sailing draft to be confirmed to the Harbour Office or Duty Ports Ops 12 hours before departure, with amendments at 4 hours to high water.
b) Cancellation of a sailing or shifting pilot must be confirmed to the Harbour Office or Duty Ports Ops no later than 4 hours to high water, failure to do which will result in a fail to sail charge being applied.
3. Pilotage Charges
Pursuant to Section 10 of the Pilotage Act 1987, the King’s Lynn Conservancy Board as Competent Harbour Authority for King’s Lynn makes the following list of Pilotage charges Payable from 0001hrs on the 1st January 2025.
Pilot Services.
It is Compulsory for all vessels over 35 metres in length to employ a pilot. King’s Lynn Compulsory Pilotage Area is between an East West line through the No.1 Lightbuoy 52° 56’N 000° 21.5’E and the Free bridge King’s Lynn 52° 44.3’N 000° 23.2’E.
Pilotage is not compulsory within the enclosed docks.
Inward Pilotage.
Vessels requiring inward pilots must complete the PILOT ORDER FORM and email to at least 24 Hours before arrival.
From No.1 Lightbuoy to berths in King’s Lynn Docks or Harbour: –
46p Per G.T. (ITC 69). (Subject to a minimum of £200).
Outward Pilotage.
Vessels requiring outward pilots should order them by phone or email at least 12 Hours before departure.
From berths in King’s Lynn Docks or Harbour to No.1 Lightbuoy: –
46p Per G.T. (ITC 69). (Subject to a minimum of £200).
Late notice Charge.
If the notice period for a Pilot is not given, and provided a Pilot and cutter crew can be mustered a late notice charge of £446.26 shall be made in addition to other Pilot charges.
Partially laden vessels.
A vessel with part cargo for King’s Lynn, having already discharged at a previous port or ports and sailing from King’s Lynn in ballast, will be entitled to a 50% reduction in her inward pilotage fees.
A vessel taking part cargo to a further port and having paid full pilotage dues inward will be entitled to a 50% reduction in her outward pilotage fees.
Reductions will only apply for either Inward or outward passage at the discretion of the Board.
Compulsory Additional Services – Moves in the Harbour, to or from the Docks.
Pilotage is not compulsory for moves within the enclosed Docks.
Moves in Port £446.26 flat rate charge.
Failure to make E.T.A.
50% of Full Inward Pilotage plus 50% inward Boarding charge.
In respect of arrival vessels no charge will be made if the Board receives confirmation to the Harbour Office or Duty Ports Ops 4 Hours before High Water.
Failure to make E.T.D.
£446.26 flat rate charge.
In respect of an outward bound vessel no charge will be made if the Board receives confirmation to the Harbour Office or Duty Ports Ops 4 hours before the time of high water.
Dead Ship Pilotage.
“Dead Ship” pilotage (i.e. vessels without use of main engines and or defective steering) add 100% of Full Pilotage charges.
Pilot taken out of District.
In the event that a Pilot is taken to another Port due to stress of weather or other unavoidable circumstances, the following charges will be made.
i) In addition to the normal outward Pilotage charge, a charge will be made for the Pilot’s time, from the moment the ship leaves the Board’s Pilotage Area until the Pilot is able to disembark from the vessel. The charge will be at the rate of £120.00 per hour.
ii) A charge of £80.00 per hour for the travelling time for the Pilot in returning to King’s Lynn.
iii) The ship will also be required to reimburse all reasonable travel and subsistence charges involved in returning the Pilot to King’s Lynn.
(Masters, Agents and Owners are reminded that it is a serious offence under Section 19 of the Pilotage Act 1987 to take an authorised pilot out of the district without reasonable excuse and without his consent).
Additional Important Note.
The King’s Lynn Conservancy Board will exercise reasonable care and diligence to ensure that a Pilot attends a vessel at the time required provided that the laid-down ordering procedures have been fully complied with. No responsibility will be accepted for the cost of any subsequent delay to a vessel through the late arrival of a Pilot, for whatever reason.
Pilotage Exemption Certificates.
Non-returnable examination fee (to include issue of certificate) £690.00 per candidate.
Annual renewal following interview £340.00 per candidate.
Use of Pilot Exemption Certificates.
1st year 30% of Pilotage Fees.
2nd year 20% of Pilotage Fees.
3rd and subsequent years 10% of Pilotage Fees.
Provision and Maintenance of Pilot Boats.
Every vessel boarded by a Pilot shall pay Boarding Fees and every vessel from which a Pilot is landed shall pay Landing Fees according to the following scale:-
On all Vessels
For boarding a Pilot £442.88 and for landing a Pilot £442.88